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How to apply

The Directorate-General of Traffic website is the best place to start your application. You can also apply for a driving license in Portugal at the Directorate-General of Traffic, located in Lisbon. Alternatively, if you’re based in Porto or another city with a national police headquarters (Habita��o da Pol�cia Nacional), you can submit your application there.

A driving license is a legal document that authorizes you to drive as a citizen of your country or region

A driving license is a legal document that authorizes you to drive as a citizen of your country or region. A driving license is issued by the government of the country to the citizens of that country, and it allows them to operate motor vehicles on public roads.

Driving tests in Portugal

The Institute of Mobility and Transport (Instituto de Mobilidade e Transportes – IMT) is responsible for administrating driving tests in Portugal. However, you can take the tests in public or private institutions.

You don’t have to pay in public institutions, however, you are subject to the availability of dates and professionals. And given the current shortage of IMT staff, you may be waiting a long time before you can take the exam. With this in mind, you might want to consider paying to take the test with a private institution, which is much faster.

The driving test consists of two parts – a theory and a practical exam – and these are not taken on the same day. After completing your preparation classes, you can take the theory test. And once you pass this, you can start taking your practical driving lessons. When you feel confident and ready, you can then book the practical exam.

The driving theory test

The theory test (Exame de código) consists of 30 multiple-choice questions that you answer on a computer. It lasts around 30 minutes and covers the syllabus that you have studied in your preparation classes. You must get 27 questions right in order to pass the test.

The questions are available on the website IMT web and other sites which allow you to practice. Notably, if you need the test to be translated, you must request this when you make the booking. You can take the exam in either a public or private center. If you take it at the IMT, it costs €15, whereas the cost in private centers can range between €15 and €110.

The practical driving test

The practical test typically lasts around 40 minutes, and the driver can accumulate up to 10 light faults. At the start of the test, the candidate must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the car and the preparation needed to drive safely. This usually takes around five minutes. The remainder of the time is left for the driving itself with an examiner present in the car with you.